
New Orleans

Bio: I've been trying to figure out what I really wanted to put in this section. Should I write a sparknotes version commentary on my 20 years of life struggles and achievements all leading up to this point in my life or write about my goals and dreams and how this blog validates them much like a cover letter to my resume? I've opted to do neither of those things. I will tell you all this: I am a Transgender, Black woman and I hold true to my identities and allow them to shape my own views and understandings of the world around me. I hold interest in understanding gender normalization and the Trans* experience and why race is so important to our institutions. I am not a writer in the traditional sense. I am not an activist in the political sense. I am a social media advocate for women of all identities and I developed this blog to encourage discussion and enlighten those is ways that the traditional textbooks will not. I speak up to shed light on the experiences of those who are largely ignored and my own experiences. I think that is what makes this blog so special to me. I am using my own story and my own perspective to evaluate life at the macro level. I hope you enjoy and please feel free to debate anything you'd like to in regards to my posts. I am always up for a good discussion!

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One thought on “About

  1. Thank you so much for this blog post!! Here’s to furthering and deepening the conversation surrounding the Candy cover, to challenging essentialized ideas of womanhood, including the most femme-phobic (ideas which have always held healthy, inclusive, solidarity-strengthening, intersectional-identity-aware-and-embracing, non-man-hating iterations of feminism back), and challenging dangerously dismissive, identity-obliterating, respectability-politics-laden, research-rejecting, imperialist-white supremacist-capitalist-patriarchal rhetoric which too often bleeds into and derails attempts at progressive critical cultural analysis.

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